Grief: Helping Autistic Kids Navigate Significant Loss (S6E30)

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 20, 2024

In this week’s parenting Q&A episode, we delve deep into the sensitive topic of helping autistic children navigate grief after a significant loss. For the first time, I share my personal journey through this challenging terrain, shedding light on a subject close to my heart. It’s an emotional episode, but I hope it offers support and guidance for those facing similar challenges.

About Rob Gorski and The Autism Dad podcast:

Rob Gorski is a single Dad to three amazing autistic boys and Found and CEO of The Autism Dad, LLC. Multiple award-winning blogger, podcaster, content creator, social media influencer, and respected public figure for well over a decade.

Connect with Rob Gorski:

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