Autism and ARFID: One Family’s Journey (S7E34)

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 19, 2024

Episode Description:

In this episode, I chat with Megan Brannan, mom to a five-year-old boy named Rory, diagnosed with autism. Megan shares her journey from early concerns about Rory’s speech delay to facing long waitlists for a diagnosis, all while navigating COVID-19 hurdles. She emphasizes the importance of trusting parental instincts when developmental delays are present, especially when medical professionals encourage a “wait and see” approach.

We also dive into Rory’s struggles with ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) and how sensory challenges impact his eating. Megan shares how feeding therapy, though slow, has been a crucial step in helping Rory expand his list of safe foods. If you’ve ever felt unheard as a parent or struggled to navigate your child’s needs, this episode offers valuable insights and support.

Key Topics:

– Recognizing early signs of autism in speech delays.

– Megan’s persistence in switching pediatricians after feeling dismissed.

– Long waitlists for autism diagnoses and how to manage the system.

– Rory’s journey with ARFID and the role of feeding therapy.

– Advocating for your child’s needs, including adding sensory challenges to IEPs.

– The emotional journey of seeing a child hit milestones, like talking.

Actionable Tips for Parents:

1. Trust your gut: If you feel something’s not right with your child’s development, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion.

2. Explore private testing options: If waitlists are long, consider alternative routes like private assessments or consulting school psychologists.

3. Leverage IEPs: Work with your child’s school to include food-related support in their IEP if sensory issues impact eating.


– Help Me Grow: – Early intervention services.

– Akron Children’s Hospital: – Feeding therapy and pediatric services.

About Megan:

Megan Brannan is a devoted mom to her 5-year-old son, Rory, who has Autism and ARFID. After noticing developmental delays at 15 months, Megan faced a long and challenging journey to secure an Autism diagnosis. Rory’s ARFID, driven by sensory and anxiety issues, limits him to a small selection of safe foods. With the support of her family and therapists, Megan is dedicated to helping Rory grow and thrive despite these challenges.

Instagram: @MegBran

Related Episodes:

Understanding Autism in Girls

Feeding Therapy and ARFID: What You Need to Know

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