Stronger In The Broken Places (feat. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.) S3E20

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  • Post comments:6 Comments
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 20, 2024

We have never experienced anything like COVID-19 in our lifetime and people are scared, myself included. Many of us are dealing with high levels of acute stress, irritability, and sleep disruption.

My guest today is Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. Dr. Laurie is a very well-known author, psychotherapist, disaster stress expert and is considered a thought leader in the emerging field of acute stress and PTSD. Dr. Laurie has been a guest on Oprah, CNN, Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, and numerous TV and radio shows in the U.S. and Europe. She has been interviewed about her work with PTSD populations in such major news media as the New York TimesChicago TribuneNewsday, Reuters News Service, and other publications around the world.

Dr. Laurie, is uniquely qualified to help us find the calm amid the crisis; she helped first responders after 9/11 and teens who lost fathers in the Twin Towers, as well as teachers and students in the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting. Her book, The Five Gifts, is like an emergency ‘Go-Kit’ for the mind that minimizes and prevents long-term damage from traumatic events.

Dr. Laurie and I talk about how COVID19 is impacting people emotionally and what we can do to help ourselves and each other get through this. Dr. Laurie in my view is a hero. As a former fire/medic, I’m so thankful for the work she has done and continues to do for our heroic first responders.

You can find Laurie Nadel, Ph.D:

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Get her book, The Five Gifts:

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I wanted to provide you with a list of reliable sources for information regarding COVID19. Facts, science medicine, and accurate, truthful information matter now more than ever. These are some of the people and medical facilities that I trust and rely on for information about this pandemic. Please give them a follow.

Dr. Tara C. Smith

Professor, infectious disease epidemiologist



Cleveland Clinic



Mayo Clinic





This episode is sponsored by Mightier. Mightier is an amazing program out of Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s. It uses video games to teach kids to emotionally self-regulate. Visit and find out more information, including how to get a free 30-day trial.

This episode is brought to you by AngelSense. Wandering is a huge problem in the Autism community and it’s reached epidemic levels. AngelSense is working to save the lives of Autistic kids who wander, by empowering parents with GPS tracking tools that help them to immediately intervene should an episode of elopement occur. Visit for more information.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kittyjane

    This episode was fantastic but I have to say my very favorite part was at the end when Dr. Nadel mentioned coming back to talk to you about what it’s like for you to be a parent with autism and you said yes. You’ve fought that label for so long (which was always strange to me since you embrace it when it comes to your sons and Lizze) that it was refreshing to see that you’ve come around. You are doing so many good things in the community and speaking out about your own autism and what it’s like to be a parent will do so much for so many.

    1. Rob Gorski

      Firdt of all, thanks. Dr. Nadel is amazing. I’m very lucky to be connected and grateful for her time. I’ll definitely take her up on the offer. We were going to bring that up during the interview but decided that a dedicared episode would be better.

      As for fighting the label, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. If you’re suggesting that I’m autistic myself and simply not wanting to admit it, you’re mistaken. I’m not on the spectrum and if I was, I certainly wouldn’t hide it.

      Perhaps the title of the blog is throwing you off. The Autism Dad could lead one to think that I was autistic myself but that was not the intent and I’ve been very clear about that over the year.

      I’m sorry for the confusion but there’s nothing to hide. I battle depression and a smidgen of anxiety. Actually, quite a bit of anxiety as of late but I’m not on the spectrum.

      Lizze is on the high functioning end of things and she’s been very open about it.

      Anyway, sorry for the confusion..

  2. Kittyjane

    No it’s not the title that made me think that it was your mannerisms and not making eye contact in lots of pics and videos, then when she mentioned it at the end it sounded like you two had talked about you being on the spectrum. I guess I misunderstood what she was saying because it sounded like she wanted to talk to you about what it was like to be a parent with autism.

    1. Rob Gorski

      You’re reaching a bit. I don’t avoid eye contact. In fact I dislike it when people don’t make eye contact with me when speaking to me. If I was, I wouldn’t be ashamed of it. There’s a large part of me that wishes I was because it would help me relate to my my kids more. Dr. Nadel is autistic, which is something she doesn’t normally talk about and she was suggesting that we having a conversation about what it’s like to be autistic and a parent, for educational purposes. Look you’re welcome to think what you wish but frankly, it’s a little offensive to be accused of hiding something about myself that I’m not. If I were doing that, what message would that send to my kids?

      1. Kittyjane

        I’m sorry I didn’t meant to offend you. I’m on the spectrum myself and thought I recognized a fellow aspie. 🙂

        1. Rob Gorski

          No worries. I miss understood where you were coming from. I’ve been accused in the past of being autistic, being ashamed of it and hiding it.

          Truly, in many ways, I wish I was because it would provide me insights that would help my kids.

          I guess I thought you might be coming from that angle and I became a bit defensive. I think we should all be proud of who we are and not feel we need to hide it from the world.

          Anyway, thank you for clarifying and my apologies for making assumptions. ☺

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