Talking to Dads (feat. Sacha Muller) S4E1

Welcome back!!!! My guest today is Sacha Muller and he’s an autism Dad. Sacha is here to talk to me about his parenting journey and what being a special needs Dad has been like for him thus far. While I didn’t know Sacha prior to this interview, I’ve learned that he’s an awesome Dad and I’m so grateful that he was willing to talk so openly about how he feels. I hope this inspires other Moms and Dads to open up and share their stories. Sponsors NoNetz is a Mother and son clothing company, with a particular focus on sensory-friendly and inclusive clothing. Check them out at Zenaviv is a family-owned, social enterprise, started by the father of a 19-year-old boy diagnosed with classic autism. Zenaviv helps support autistic artists by representing…