Tips for traveling with your autistic kids (feat. Dawn M. Barclay) S5E11

Join my new community and discuss this and other episodes of The Autism Dad Podcast with others. It's totally free, and I'd love your feedback. Join Now. My guest today is Dawn Barclay, and she's here to share tips and tricks to make traveling with our autistic kids safe, fun, and enjoyable. She wrote a new book called Traveling Different: Vacation Strategies for Parents of the Anxious, the Inflexible, and the Neurodiverse (will release Aug 15th). Dawn and I have a conversation about some common challenges families face when trying to travel with their autistic, anxious, or otherwise neurodiverse child. She provides no-nonsense solutions, ideas, and advice to help make travel a rewarding experience for the whole family. She also talks about how to evaluate hotels, theme parks, and other…