Vaccine Preventable Diseases (feat. Dr. Tara Smith) S3E2

S3E2 My guest today is Dr. Tara Smith. She's an expert in vaccine-preventable and infectious diseases. We discuss the facts and dangers of VPD's like Measles, Whooping Cough and Flu. These are very serious conditions that can be fatal, especially to the immunocompromised, those with HIV/AIDS, Cancer patients on chemotherapy, the very old and the very young. Many people are more afraid of the vaccine than the diseases they prevent. Dr. Smith sheds some light on just how serious these VPD's can really be and why you should be taking them seriously. Bio for Dr. Tara Smith: Dr. Smith is a Professor of Epidemiology at the Kent State University College of Public Health, which she joined in August 2013. An Ohio native, she previously spent 9 years in the Department of Epidemiology at…