Insanely Affordable Financial Planning for ALL Families (feat. Caleb Frankel of EarlyBird) S4E8

In this week’s episode, I speak with Caleb Frankel, COO, and co-founder of the financial technology and gifting platform called EarlyBird. EarlyBird has made saving for your child’s financial future, accessible to everyone. Special needs families are often forgotten when it comes to things like financial planning because we can have unique needs that go unaddressed or the cost of admission is unattainable. EarlyBird has fixed that and now anyone can build a nest egg for their child with only a few dollars a month. It’s incredibly affordable at only $12/year/child. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends can all contribute to this account for free and even record video memories to mark special milestones. This is such a cool thing and I’ll be getting started on this for my kids very soon. I highly recommend…