The Truth About Vaccines (Feat. Heather Brandt, Ph.D, St. Jude Comprehensive Cancer Center) S4E16

My guest today is Heather Brandt, Ph.D. Heather is the Director, HPV Cancer Prevention Program, Co-associate Director for Outreach, St. Jude Comprehensive Cancer Center, Member, Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Vaccines are a hot topic once again because of COVID. There is so much misinformation floating around about vaccines and Heather is the perfect guest to answer the tough questions surrounding the safety and efficacy of vaccines. We also talk about the importance of the HPV vaccine and how it protects our kids from numerous different HPV related cancers in the future. This is so important, so please pay attention, and share this with your family and friends. Vaccine related information and resources: The CDC vaccination information for parents is excellent. If…


Vaccine Preventable Diseases (feat. Dr. Tara Smith) S3E2

S3E2 My guest today is Dr. Tara Smith. She's an expert in vaccine-preventable and infectious diseases. We discuss the facts and dangers of VPD's like Measles, Whooping Cough and Flu. These are very serious conditions that can be fatal, especially to the immunocompromised, those with HIV/AIDS, Cancer patients on chemotherapy, the very old and the very young. Many people are more afraid of the vaccine than the diseases they prevent. Dr. Smith sheds some light on just how serious these VPD's can really be and why you should be taking them seriously. Bio for Dr. Tara Smith: Dr. Smith is a Professor of Epidemiology at the Kent State University College of Public Health, which she joined in August 2013. An Ohio native, she previously spent 9 years in the Department of Epidemiology at…


The Facts About Vaccines (feat. Dr. Ryan Marino) S3E1

S3E1 I have a very honest conversation about vaccines with Dr. Ryan Marino, an ER Physician and Medical Toxicologist at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio. It's 2020 and we're still debating vaccines, while people are getting sick from diseases that were once considered eradicated. People are contracting measles and whooping cough at epidemic levels due to people refusing to vaccinate. Vaccines not only help to protect the person receiving it but also people like my son with CVID, those fighting cancer, living with HIV or anything else that compromises the immune system. The very old and very young are also vulnerable as well. Herd immunity matters and as a society, we must not only protect ourselves and our loved ones but also those who are unable to protect themselves. You…