Talking to Your Kids About COVID19 (feat. Kristin Canavera from St. Jude) S3E21

If you’re a parent who’s trying to discuss COVID19 with your children, this show is definitely for you. Kristin Canavera is a child psychologist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and she’s on the pod today to discuss the St. Jude COVID19 resource kits for kids, tweens, adolescents, and parents. These are free downloadable resource kits and can be found at the link below. We discuss talking to kids about COVID19 in a way that’s developmentally appropriate. Please take a listen and pass this along because COVID19 is here and it isn’t going away anytime soon. I know that’s scary but it’s very important to deal with the facts and St. Jude is here to help us talk with our kids about COVID19. You can find Kristin: St. Jude COVID19…


Stronger In The Broken Places (feat. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.) S3E20

We have never experienced anything like COVID-19 in our lifetime and people are scared, myself included. Many of us are dealing with high levels of acute stress, irritability, and sleep disruption. My guest today is Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. Dr. Laurie is a very well-known author, psychotherapist, disaster stress expert and is considered a thought leader in the emerging field of acute stress and PTSD. Dr. Laurie has been a guest on Oprah, CNN, Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, and numerous TV and radio shows in the U.S. and Europe. She has been interviewed about her work with PTSD populations in such major news media as the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsday, Reuters News Service, and other publications around the world. Dr. Laurie, is uniquely qualified to help us find the calm…


Helping Our Kids Survive COVID19 Lockdown (feat. Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D) S3E19

This week’s episode is all about helping our kids survive the COVID19 lockdown. Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D, joins me to discuss ways we can help our kids better maintain, both emotionally and physically in a situation in which their entire world has been turned upside down. Mary Jane has worked in the Autism and ABA field for over 35 years and she has some amazing advice for parents, including myself. Be sure to check this episode out and share it with the people in your life. About Dr. Mary Jane Weiss: Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LABA specializes in the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and its application to human problems, especially autism. She serves as the executive director of programs in ABA and autism, and as director of…


ADHD, Anxiety, COVID19 and Trump (feat. Hazel McAdam) S3E17

In this week’s episode, (recorded on 4/8/2020) I talk with my friend Hazel McAdam. Hazel and I decided to have a conversation about everything from ADHD, Anxiety, and COVID19 to politics and how the outside world views the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID19 pandemic. I don’t typically, delve into politics but it’s interesting to hear firsthand what the people in other countries think of the insanity going on here in the US right now. Emmett joins at one point and speaks with Hazel about how he’s doing. Please keep in mind that this was recorded on April 8th. Things have progressed very quickly in regards to COVID19, so the numbers and some information may be out of date at the time you’re listening. You can find Hazel: Twitter: IMPORTANT…


Parent to Parent (feat. Melissa Winchell) S3E16

This is a very special episode. I speak parent to parent with Melissa Winchell about the struggles our families are facing on COVID19 lockdown. Melissa’s family was featured on ABC News recently, along with mine and few others. ABC News were exploring the impact COVID19 lockdown is having on special needs families like ours. I speak with Melissa about the challenges she’s facing as a special needs parent, while on lockdown. We both talk very openly about our fears, concerns and the many struggles our kids are currently facing, as we get used to our new normal. This is a very emotional episode and it provides amazing insight into special needs parenting under these lockdown conditions. We discuss some very difficult things that special needs parents are worrying about as…


30 Days On Lockdown S3E14

In this shorter episode, I discuss a major milestone we’ve reached, 30 days on total lockdown. I share how I’m managing a seriously delicate medication situation with my oldest. I talk about how we’re doing and the struggles I’m facing as a single Dad during the worst pandemic in a century. Please remember that self-care is more important than ever. It’s not easy but we have to do our best to look after ourselves, especially during these turbulent and uncertain times. Support This Podcast You can find me: Twitter: This episode is sponsored by Mightier. Mightier is an amazing program out of Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s. It uses video games to teach kids to emotionally self-regulate. Visit and find out more information, including how to get a free 30 day…


Autism Certified (feat. DoubleTree Orlando at SeaWorld) S3E6

As you know, or maybe you don't, my boys and I were invited to stay at the DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld recently. They are one of the very first hotels in the country to become Autism Certified. Our mission was to honestly evaluate their Autism friendly accommodations and experience what it's like to visit a truly inclusive hotel. In this episode, I sit down with David, Laura and Ana to talk about what it means to be Autism Certified. We have a conversation about what families can expect when they visit and what makes DoubleTree different than most other hotels in the country. My kids and I almost never travel. In fact, this is only our second vacation in almost 20 years, the first being Gavin's wish trip…

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Protecting the Affordable Care Act (feat. Peter Morley) S3E5

In this week's episode, I have the honor of speaking with one of my personal hero's Peter Morley. Peter is an amazing human being and someone I'm truly grateful to call friend. Peter has battled cancer, lives in chronic pain and faces many other health challenges. He's devoted his life to fighting to protect our health care. He regularly travels to Washington DC in order to testify before congress or meet with Senators and Congressmen/women to advocate for Healthcare. He's fighting to help ensure that the ACA (Affordable Care Act) is improved upon and not dismantled. Peter and I have a conversation about the importance of protecting the ACA and what would happen if the Trump Administration successfully dismantles it. We also talk about how this could specifically impact the…


All About ADHD (feat. Hazel McAdam) S2E10

S2E10 In this week's episode, I have a very open and honest conversation with my good friend Hazel McAdam. She one of my favorite people and you should definitely follow her on Twitter. She's an adult living with ADHD and Anxiety. She helps so many people by sharing her journey and educating the world. We talk about how these conditions impact her daily life, and how we can better support those with ADHD and/or Anxiety. Hazel and I even take on some listener questions. Please be sure to subscribe via your favorite podcasting app and help spread the word by sharing on social media. I'd really appreciate it. :-) (Support This Podcast) You can find Hazel: Twitter: ( You can find me: ( Twitter: ( This…


Recognizing Adult ADHD (feat. Dr. John Kruse) S2E4

(S2E4) In this episode, I have a conversation with Dr. John Kruse, MD, PhD about all things ADHD, including his brand new book titled "Recognizing Adult ADHD: What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder." Dr. Kruse has 25 years of psychiatric experience and specializes in treating adults with ADHD, that's right, adults. I talk with him about his new book and he debunks some of the most common myths surrounding ADHD. Learn the facts about what ADHD is and how it can seriously impact a person's life, and why he believes Donald Trump has it, you need to listen to this episode.  You can find Dr. Kruse: Website: ( Facebook: ( Twitter: ( You can grab his book on (Amazon), (Barnes &…