Stronger In The Broken Places (feat. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.) S3E20

We have never experienced anything like COVID-19 in our lifetime and people are scared, myself included. Many of us are dealing with high levels of acute stress, irritability, and sleep disruption. My guest today is Laurie Nadel, Ph.D. Dr. Laurie is a very well-known author, psychotherapist, disaster stress expert and is considered a thought leader in the emerging field of acute stress and PTSD. Dr. Laurie has been a guest on Oprah, CNN, Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, and numerous TV and radio shows in the U.S. and Europe. She has been interviewed about her work with PTSD populations in such major news media as the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsday, Reuters News Service, and other publications around the world. Dr. Laurie, is uniquely qualified to help us find the calm amid the crisis; she helped first responders after 9/11 and teens who lost fathers in the Twin Towers, as well as teachers and students in the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting. Her book, The Five Gifts, is like an emergency ‘Go-Kit’ for the mind that minimizes and prevents long-term damage from traumatic events. Dr. Laurie and I talk about how COVID19 is impacting people emotionally and what we can do to help ourselves and each other get through this. Dr. Laurie in my view is a hero. As a former fire/medic, I’m so thankful for the work she has done and continues to do for our heroic first responders. You can find Laurie Nadel, Ph.D: In the media: Get her book, The Five Gifts: Check out our Support This Podcast You can find me: Twitter: IMPORTANT COVID19 INFORMATION I wanted to provide you with a list of reliable sources for information regarding COVID19. Facts, science medicine, and accurate, truthful information matter now more than ever. These are some of the people and medical facilities that I trust and rely on for information about this pandemic. Please give them a follow. Dr. Tara C. Smith Professor, infectious disease epidemiologist Twitter: Website: Cleveland Clinic Twitter: Website: Mayo Clinic Website: CDC Twitter: Website: This episode is sponsored by Mightier. Mightier is an amazing program out of Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s. It uses video games to teach kids to emotionally self-regulate. Visit and find out more information, including how to get a free 30-day trial. This episode is brought to you by AngelSense. Wandering is a huge problem in the Autism community and it’s reached epidemic levels. AngelSense is working to save the lives of Autistic kids who wander, by empowering parents with GPS tracking tools that help them to immediately intervene should an episode of elopement occur. Visit for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Helping Our Kids Survive COVID19 Lockdown (feat. Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D) S3E19

This week’s episode is all about helping our kids survive the COVID19 lockdown. Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D, joins me to discuss ways we can help our kids better maintain, both emotionally and physically in a situation in which their entire world has been turned upside down. Mary Jane has worked in the Autism and ABA field for over 35 years and she has some amazing advice for parents, including myself. Be sure to check this episode out and share it with the people in your life. About Dr. Mary Jane Weiss: Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LABA specializes in the science of applied behavior analysis (ABA) and its application to human problems, especially autism. She serves as the executive director of programs in ABA and autism, and as director of the Ph.D. program in ABA. She is especially passionate about the philosophical and scientific foundations of ABA, ethical decision-making in the context of professional practice, and collaboration across disciplines. Find Mary Jane Weiss, Ph.D here Support This Podcast You can find me: Twitter: IMPORTANT COVID19 INFORMATION I wanted to provide you with a list of reliable sources for information regarding COVID19. Facts, science medicine and accurate, truthful information matter now more than ever. These are some of the people and medical facilities that I trust and rely on for information about this pandemic. Please give them a follow. Dr. Tara C. Smith Professor, infectious disease epidemiologist Twitter: Website: Cleveland Clinic Twitter: Website: Mayo Clinic Website: CDC Twitter: Website: This episode is sponsored by Mightier. Mightier is an amazing program out of Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s. It uses video games to teach kids to emotionally self-regulate. Visit and find out more information, including how to get a free 30 day trial. This episode is brought to you by AngelSense. Wandering is a huge problem in the Autism community and it’s reached epidemic levels. AngelSense is working to save the lives of Autistic kids who wander, by empowering parents with GPS tracking tools that helps them to immediately intervene should an episode of elopement occur. Visit for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Parent to Parent (feat. Melissa Winchell) S3E16

This is a very special episode. I speak parent to parent with Melissa Winchell about the struggles our families are facing on COVID19 lockdown. Melissa’s family was featured on ABC News recently, along with mine and few others. ABC News were exploring the impact COVID19 lockdown is having on special needs families like ours. I speak with Melissa about the challenges she’s facing as a special needs parent, while on lockdown. We both talk very openly about our fears, concerns and the many struggles our kids are currently facing, as we get used to our new normal. This is a very emotional episode and it provides amazing insight into special needs parenting under these lockdown conditions. We discuss some very difficult things that special needs parents are worrying about as a result of the current crisis. About Melissa Winchell: Melissa Winchell, Ed.D., is a disabled parent of kids with disabilities, including a 10-year-old daughter with Down syndrome, ASD, medical complexity, and multiple behavior diagnoses. She is a lifelong public educator and a current assistant professor of secondary education at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, MA. She is president of Inclusion Matters, Inc., a non-profit advocating for and educating disabled families. You can find Melissa: Twitter: Follow Inclusion Matters on IMPORTANT INFORMATION I wanted to provide you with a list of reliable sources for information regarding COVID19. Facts, science medicine and accurate, truthful information matter now more than ever. These are some of the people and medical facilities that I trust and rely on for information about this pandemic. Please give them a follow. Dr. Tara C. Smith Professor, infectious disease epidemiologist Twitter: Website: Cleveland Clinic Twitter: Website: Mayo Clinic Website: CDC Twitter: Website: Support This Podcast You can find me: Twitter: This episode is sponsored by Mightier. Mightier is an amazing program out of Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s. It uses video games to teach kids to emotionally self-regulate. Visit and find out more information, including how to get a free 30 day trial. This episode is brought to you by AngelSense. Wandering is a huge problem in the Autism community and it’s reached epidemic levels. AngelSense is working to save the lives of Autistic kids who wander, by empowering parents with GPS tracking tools that helps them to immediately intervene should an episode of elopement occur. Visit for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mentioned in this episode: Happy Ladders Happy Ladders is Parent-Led Early Autism Therapy that empowers you, the parent, to teach your toddler essential developmental skills through play. Studies have shown that the parent-led model is highly effective while eliminating frustration over long wait lists, or the worry about losing precious developmental time. All without the disruption of people coming into your home Happy Ladders includes activities that target 150+ essential developmental skills every toddler needs as well as assessments in 4 different developmental areas. There’s also an exclusive community of parents just like you, and professional coaching to ensure success for both you and your toddler. To learn more, get a free trial, and take advantage of an exclusive, limited-time offer for my listeners, visit Use the code "theautismdad" at checkout to save 50% off the monthly membership. Plus get a free one-on-one session as well as access to the Tantrums and Meltdowns mini-course. This is a limited-time offer so act now. Visit Happy Ladders Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


30 Days On Lockdown S3E14

In this shorter episode, I discuss a major milestone we’ve reached, 30 days on total lockdown. I share how I’m managing a seriously delicate medication situation with my oldest. I talk about how we’re doing and the struggles I’m facing as a single Dad during the worst pandemic in a century. Please remember that self-care is more important than ever. It’s not easy but we have to do our best to look after ourselves, especially during these turbulent and uncertain times. Support This Podcast You can find me: Twitter: This episode is sponsored by Mightier. Mightier is an amazing program out of Harvard Medical and Boston Children’s. It uses video games to teach kids to emotionally self-regulate. Visit and find out more information, including how to get a free 30 day trial. This episode is brought to you by AngelSense. Wandering is a huge problem in the Autism community and it’s reached epidemic levels. AngelSense is working to save the lives of Autistic kids who wander, by empowering parents with GPS tracking tools that helps them to immediately intervene should an episode of elopement occur. Visit for more information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mentioned in this episode: BrainyAct BrainyAct® provides tech-enabled, patent-pending therapy programs delivered via gamification for neurological disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and ADHD. BrainyAct activates the underdeveloped areas of the brain through exercises that strategically target a child’s balance, gravity, gross/fine motor, rhythm and timing, visual motor perception, and memory. Putting hope in motion means putting your family first in everything we do and using movement to affect real change. Shifting hope to a reality. 91% of families report global brain improvements after four months. Our company was built on the premise to create real, measurable, and visible change that shows you how your child is improving through data. BrainyAct is for homes and schools. Visit Use promo code THEAUTISMDAD and save $500. This is a limited time offer. Visit BrainyAct Happy Ladders Happy Ladders is Parent-Led Early Autism Therapy that empowers you, the parent, to teach your toddler essential developmental skills through play. Studies have shown that the parent-led model is highly effective while eliminating frustration over long wait lists, or the worry about losing precious developmental time. All without the disruption of people coming into your home Happy Ladders includes activities that target 150+ essential developmental skills every toddler needs as well as assessments in 4 different developmental areas. There’s also an exclusive community of parents just like you, and professional coaching to ensure success for both you and your toddler. To learn more, get a free trial, and take advantage of an exclusive, limited-time offer for my listeners, visit Use the code "theautismdad" at checkout to save 50% off the monthly membership. Plus get a free one-on-one session as well as access to the Tantrums and Meltdowns mini-course. This is a limited-time offer so act now. Visit Happy Ladders Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Why Genetic Testing is Vital for Kids with Autism (feat. Lukas Lange of Probably Genetic) S3E9

In this week's episode, I speak with Lukas Lange, the CEO and co-founder of Probably Genetic. Probably Genetic is working very hard to make genetic testing more accessible to families who need it. Families like mine. Lukas and I discuss what genetic testing is, the role genetics plays in our lives and why it's so important to genetically test kids diagnosed with Autism. We also discuss the many hurdles to obtaining genetic testing in our current healthcare system, including cost and wait times, as well as why it's a major problem for many families. Lukas also shares what Probably Genetic is doing to cut through all of this and make this invaluable testing accessible to families at a significantly reduced cost and in a fraction of the time. I've been consulting with Probably Genetic for over a year and helping them to better understand the unique needs of Autism families and how they can better meet those needs. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mentioned in this episode: BrainyAct BrainyAct® provides tech-enabled, patent-pending therapy programs delivered via gamification for neurological disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and ADHD. BrainyAct activates the underdeveloped areas of the brain through exercises that strategically target a child’s balance, gravity, gross/fine motor, rhythm and timing, visual motor perception, and memory. Putting hope in motion means putting your family first in everything we do and using movement to affect real change. Shifting hope to a reality. 91% of families report global brain improvements after four months. Our company was built on the premise to create real, measurable, and visible change that shows you how your child is improving through data. BrainyAct is for homes and schools. Visit Use promo code THEAUTISMDAD and save $500. This is a limited time offer. Visit BrainyAct Happy Ladders Happy Ladders is Parent-Led Early Autism Therapy that empowers you, the parent, to teach your toddler essential developmental skills through play. Studies have shown that the parent-led model is highly effective while eliminating frustration over long wait lists, or the worry about losing precious developmental time. All without the disruption of people coming into your home Happy Ladders includes activities that target 150+ essential developmental skills every toddler needs as well as assessments in 4 different developmental areas. There’s also an exclusive community of parents just like you, and professional coaching to ensure success for both you and your toddler. To learn more, get a free trial, and take advantage of an exclusive, limited-time offer for my listeners, visit Use the code "theautismdad" at checkout to save 50% off the monthly membership. Plus get a free one-on-one session as well as access to the Tantrums and Meltdowns mini-course. This is a limited-time offer so act now. Visit Happy Ladders Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Shifting the Focus on Autism and Grief (feat. Taylor Linloff) S3E7

In this week's episode, I speak with Taylor Linloff. Taylor is 25 years old and was diagnosed with Autism and severe anxiety in 2018. Taylor became an advocate after being cast in CBC's "You Can't Ask That" Docuseries and is listed as #10 in The Mighty's top 14 autistic influencers. Taylor also lost her father, Conrad, last month to cancer and she wanted to use her experience to help others, like myself, better understand how Autistic people grieve. "It's unfortunate that people still think autistics can't emotionally connect or love someone to mourn them when they're gone. We, as in society as a whole, needs to shift our focus and understanding to better understand, support, and respect our emotional capabilities." - Taylor Linloff Taylor titled and picked the artwork for this episode. The rose is dedicated to both her late father and neurodiversity. :-) You can Find Taylor:Facebook: ( Instagram: ( Twitter: ( Website: ( (Support This Podcast) You can find me: ( Twitter: ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mentioned in this episode: Happy Ladders Happy Ladders is Parent-Led Early Autism Therapy that empowers you, the parent, to teach your toddler essential developmental skills through play. Studies have shown that the parent-led model is highly effective while eliminating frustration over long wait lists, or the worry about losing precious developmental time. All without the disruption of people coming into your home Happy Ladders includes activities that target 150+ essential developmental skills every toddler needs as well as assessments in 4 different developmental areas. There’s also an exclusive community of parents just like you, and professional coaching to ensure success for both you and your toddler. To learn more, get a free trial, and take advantage of an exclusive, limited-time offer for my listeners, visit Use the code "theautismdad" at checkout to save 50% off the monthly membership. Plus get a free one-on-one session as well as access to the Tantrums and Meltdowns mini-course. This is a limited-time offer so act now. Visit Happy Ladders BrainyAct BrainyAct® provides tech-enabled, patent-pending therapy programs delivered via gamification for neurological disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and ADHD. BrainyAct activates the underdeveloped areas of the brain through exercises that strategically target a child’s balance, gravity, gross/fine motor, rhythm and timing, visual motor perception, and memory. Putting hope in motion means putting your family first in everything we do and using movement to affect real change. Shifting hope to a reality. 91% of families report global brain improvements after four months. Our company was built on the premise to create real, measurable, and visible change that shows you how your child is improving through data. BrainyAct is for homes and schools. Visit Use promo code THEAUTISMDAD and save $500. This is a limited time offer. Visit BrainyAct Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Autism Certified (feat. DoubleTree Orlando at SeaWorld) S3E6

As you know, or maybe you don't, my boys and I were invited to stay at the DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld recently. They are one of the very first hotels in the country to become Autism Certified. Our mission was to honestly evaluate their Autism friendly accommodations and experience what it's like to visit a truly inclusive hotel. In this episode, I sit down with David, Laura and Ana to talk about what it means to be Autism Certified. We have a conversation about what families can expect when they visit and what makes DoubleTree different than most other hotels in the country. My kids and I almost never travel. In fact, this is only our second vacation in almost 20 years, the first being Gavin's wish trip a few years ago. This was a massive undertaking on my part and I want to thank everyone who helped make this trip possible. ☺ We're home now and I want to share our experience with you, while it's fresh in my mind. You can find DoubleTree: Website: (DoubleTree) Twitter: @DTResortOrlando (Support This Podcast) You can find me: ( Twitter: ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mentioned in this episode: Happy Ladders Happy Ladders is Parent-Led Early Autism Therapy that empowers you, the parent, to teach your toddler essential developmental skills through play. Studies have shown that the parent-led model is highly effective while eliminating frustration over long wait lists, or the worry about losing precious developmental time. All without the disruption of people coming into your home Happy Ladders includes activities that target 150+ essential developmental skills every toddler needs as well as assessments in 4 different developmental areas. There’s also an exclusive community of parents just like you, and professional coaching to ensure success for both you and your toddler. To learn more, get a free trial, and take advantage of an exclusive, limited-time offer for my listeners, visit Use the code "theautismdad" at checkout to save 50% off the monthly membership. Plus get a free one-on-one session as well as access to the Tantrums and Meltdowns mini-course. This is a limited-time offer so act now. Visit Happy Ladders BrainyAct BrainyAct® provides tech-enabled, patent-pending therapy programs delivered via gamification for neurological disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and ADHD. BrainyAct activates the underdeveloped areas of the brain through exercises that strategically target a child’s balance, gravity, gross/fine motor, rhythm and timing, visual motor perception, and memory. Putting hope in motion means putting your family first in everything we do and using movement to affect real change. Shifting hope to a reality. 91% of families report global brain improvements after four months. Our company was built on the premise to create real, measurable, and visible change that shows you how your child is improving through data. BrainyAct is for homes and schools. Visit Use promo code THEAUTISMDAD and save $500. This is a limited time offer. Visit BrainyAct Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Protecting the Affordable Care Act (feat. Peter Morley) S3E5

In this week's episode, I have the honor of speaking with one of my personal hero's Peter Morley. Peter is an amazing human being and someone I'm truly grateful to call friend. Peter has battled cancer, lives in chronic pain and faces many other health challenges. He's devoted his life to fighting to protect our health care. He regularly travels to Washington DC in order to testify before congress or meet with Senators and Congressmen/women to advocate for Healthcare. He's fighting to help ensure that the ACA (Affordable Care Act) is improved upon and not dismantled. Peter and I have a conversation about the importance of protecting the ACA and what would happen if the Trump Administration successfully dismantles it. We also talk about how this could specifically impact the Autism and Special Needs communities. This is serious stuff folks, and you need to pay attention. Peter can be found: Twitter: Check out his website: ( (Support This Podcast) You can find me: ( Twitter: ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Mentioned in this episode: Happy Ladders Happy Ladders is Parent-Led Early Autism Therapy that empowers you, the parent, to teach your toddler essential developmental skills through play. Studies have shown that the parent-led model is highly effective while eliminating frustration over long wait lists, or the worry about losing precious developmental time. All without the disruption of people coming into your home Happy Ladders includes activities that target 150+ essential developmental skills every toddler needs as well as assessments in 4 different developmental areas. There’s also an exclusive community of parents just like you, and professional coaching to ensure success for both you and your toddler. To learn more, get a free trial, and take advantage of an exclusive, limited-time offer for my listeners, visit Use the code "theautismdad" at checkout to save 50% off the monthly membership. Plus get a free one-on-one session as well as access to the Tantrums and Meltdowns mini-course. This is a limited-time offer so act now. Visit Happy Ladders BrainyAct BrainyAct® provides tech-enabled, patent-pending therapy programs delivered via gamification for neurological disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia, and ADHD. BrainyAct activates the underdeveloped areas of the brain through exercises that strategically target a child’s balance, gravity, gross/fine motor, rhythm and timing, visual motor perception, and memory. Putting hope in motion means putting your family first in everything we do and using movement to affect real change. Shifting hope to a reality. 91% of families report global brain improvements after four months. Our company was built on the premise to create real, measurable, and visible change that shows you how your child is improving through data. BrainyAct is for homes and schools. Visit Use promo code THEAUTISMDAD and save $500. This is a limited time offer. Visit BrainyAct Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


Autism when You’re a Military Family (feat. Josh Gibbs) S3E4

S3E4 This weeks episode broaches the subject of what it's like to be an Autism parent, while in the US Military. I had the honor to speaking with Josh Gibbs and learning about the unique challenges that our Military families face while raising a child with Autism. Josh shares how to navigate the system inside the military in order to find your child the help and services they need. I'm so grateful that Josh was willing to share a bit about his life and introduce us to Jai, his amazing son. ☺ Josh Gibbs Bio: Joshua Gibbs enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1998. He graduated basic training at Parris Island, SC in August 1998 and began training with Charlie Company, 8th Tank Battalion in Tallahassee, FL where he…

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The Science Behind Autism (feat. Alison Singer) S3E3

(S3E3) My guest this week is Alison Singer, President of the Autism Science Foundation. Alison is an amazing human being and I'm honored to have her on the pod today. She shares some personal stories about Autism in her life that has given me some much needed perspective. We also discuss many important things impacting the Autism community today, from research and early intervention to building a better future and the importance of genetic testing. You'll learn all about the Autism Science Foundation and all of the amazing things they do for the Autism community. Alison's Bio: Alison Singer is Co-Founder and President of the Autism Science Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to funding innovative autism research and supporting the needs of people with autism. As the mother of a 22-year-old daughter with autism and legal guardian of her older brother with autism, she is a natural advocate. Singer served on the federal Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) for 12 years, where she chaired the Safety and Housing Workgroups, and served on the subcommittee responsible for writing an annual strategic plan to guide federal spending for autism research. She currently serves on the executive boards of the Yale Child Study Center, the Seaver Autism Center at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, the Marcus Autism Center at Emory University, and the University of North Carolina Autism Research Center, as well as on the external advisory board of the CDC’s Center for Developmental Disabilities, and the New York State Immunization Advisory Committee. In addition, Singer serves on the board of directors of the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) and chairs the INSAR Communications Committee. In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics named her an “autism champion.” In 2017 she received the INSAR “Outstanding Research Advocate” award and in 2018 she received the New York Families for Autistic Children Research Advocacy Award. Prior to founding the Autism Science Foundation in 2009, she served as executive vice president of Autism Speaks and as a vice president at NBC. She graduated magna cum laude from Yale University with a B.A. in Economics and has an MBA from Harvard Business School. In 2018 she was elected to serve on the Board of Education of the Scarsdale Union Free Public School district. In her free time, she enjoys crossfit, kickboxing, and judging high school debate tournaments. You can find Alison Singer: Website: ( Twitter: ( (Support The Autism Science Foundation) (Support This Podcast) You can find me: ( Twitter: ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit