A Basket of Impossibles (feat. Carew Papritz) S3E27

Let’s get honest here for a minute. We all want our kids to return to school. No one is saying that’s a bad idea. It’s important that our kids get back into the classroom. The issue is whether or not it can be done safely and the answer in most cases is a resounding no. We are handing our teachers a basket of impossible. As of 8/14/2020, a few schools have begun to open in the United States, and already, there are well over 2,100 students/teachers in quarantine due to COVID19 across several states. This is insane. We are putting our kid’s lives, the lives of teachers, school staff, bus drivers, and frankly, everyone else at risk. For what? My guest this week is Carew Papritz. Carew is an accomplished…